Wednesday 27 May 2015

Where the order have their secret jails

The order have always had secret jails to put their prisoners in them. There is a very good chance that a lot of citizens such as yourself have been near some of these secret jails. Many of them are underground and they are below places that are definitely not the kind of place that you would expect. Some of the most popular jails that hold the most dangerous criminals from Earth and from other planets, are actually below some of the most popular theme parks in the world.

The most important thing to consider when it comes to this jails, is that they are not accessible from any location near those theme parks and the chances of a prison break are impossible. The only attempted escape was one by an alien life form that was able to turn into a liquid form, but even this creature was finally caught and taken to a special cell that won’t even allow any air outside of it.


  1. What tough luck! All fun up there but not able to enjoy them!


  2. Do the prisoners still get 3 squares a day and free health care in those secret jails?

  3. If they escaped into the theme park, they probably wouldn't be noticed.

  4. Probably not a country club jail

  5. I think I'll stay away from theme parks now.
