Friday, 28 August 2015

Were the order behind Roswell?

Society has a huge obsession with Alien life forms and this makes perfect sense because we are part of a universe that is just too vast and mysterious not to hold any other intelligent life in it. We have seen plenty of movies depicting the way that aliens actually look and to be honest some of them have been influenced directly by the information we have given to movie directors. We are not going to say which movies have the most accurate version of what they actually look like, but we can assure you that they are not fearsome or scary at all.

The Roswell incident has been well documented and there is indeed a large number of UFO’s safely hidden on our planet.  There are some alien air crafts that are so complex and large that we have been forced to construct all kinds of underground labs to make sure there is room for all of them.


  1. I hope the aliens are all like ET. Bring on the Reese's Pieces.

  2. I still believe Dennis Rodman is an alien...

  3. Hopefully they are nice ones

  4. It would be interesting to see what they really look like.

  5. What if they are waiting and come in droves one fine day?


  6. To see Roswell and the underground would be a great treat. The Order could charge $$ for tickets?

  7. I'm laughing at Susan's comment. Someone would surely want to charge for tickets. ;)
