Friday, 18 September 2015

Why the order rebuilt Atlantis

The order has the power to do anything we please with the structures that are built on planet Earth. We are constantly looking for ways to make sure that the most beautiful architecture is always preserved. If there is one thing we have always loved is the creativity of the human brain regardless of the lack of interest in the survival of their species. Atlantis is the city that very few human eyes have been able to see ever since it was created and it will probably remain hidden in its new location for a long time. We used human mutations that could live underwater to build this city and they did an incredible job.

We rebuilt the entire city in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean because we feel like this is one of the most interesting creations of humans up to this point. We might bring it out for humans to see it at some point in the future. Those that made this city died long ago but we have current human mutations that populate the city and know how to maintain a low profile. They only emerge at night in deserted beaches. The original location of the city was in danger of being found.


  1. Moving in the night is certainly safer!


  2. Hopefully it won't be destroyed by a volcano or tsunami.

  3. be nice to see one of these days

  4. Much spookiness going on at night on lonely beaches. Human mutations living
    under the water. What a trip, take a dip.

  5. Deserted beaches at night really can be creepy.

  6. Deserted beaches at night really can be creepy.
