Thursday, 3 September 2015

Why the order created Frankenstein

Frankenstein was probably the most twisted and “successful” experiment conducted by a normal man who had no affiliation with the order. When we discovered what Victor Frankenstein had done, we knew that we needed to study this abomination closely because it brings clues to the way the human mind seems to be evolving. The real Frankenstein experiment occurred in 1912 in Sweden and the creature died 20 years afterwards.

The irony is that it died due to self-inflicted wounds because it had a terrible lust for mutilation and self-harm. We never knew how long it would have lived otherwise. We do keep Victor’s journals in case we want to do the process again in the future. It seems like some of the ideas that Victor brought into the field of medicine and science could have been very helpful for several issues. The remains of both Victor and his creation are buried in a well hidden area of Sweden.