Tuesday, 9 June 2015

What the order do for recreation

The order have always loved going to many locations outside of the planet Earth for their recreation, but they have just discovered a very important location that they are now using inside planet Earth. This is a beautiful black hole on Earth that is located in the ocean in another uncharted location. The hole is way too deep to be noticed by humans from above the water, but the order has created an incredible underwater city here for recreational purposes. 

There are human employees who have been brought to this location, but none of them are allowed to ever go back to their regular lives outside this underwater structure. There are many humans who have witnessed the greatness that comes from the order technology, but very few of them will ever be allowed to go back to the external world ever again. That is the price they pay for becoming part of the elite of humans that know about the order.


  1. You win some you lose some!


  2. I don't like the water so I hope the Order never takes me there. But I'm real good with the mountains!

  3. Isn't that a form of kidnapping lol

  4. Sounds intriguing and terrifying.

  5. I'd like to visit but I wouldn't want to stay.

  6. This sounds a little like Stockholm Syndrome, but I would gladly give it a try for one day.
