Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How the order deal with time travelers

The order recently had to deal with an incredible discovery. There have been visitors from the future that have been captured by the order and this means that traveling back in time is indeed possible. There are parallel universes and reality is something that depends on which universe you are standing in. The order are not able to travel back in time at this point, but they know there is an alien species that has achieved this at least four times. All of the captured time travelers have died with the secret. They use something similar to the cyanide pills that spies bite when they are captured. In their case their blood freezes in a matter of milliseconds and they die instantly.

The order are hoping that they will be able to capture one of them and keep the alien time traveler alive long enough to interrogate it. Once the order is able to travel back in time, they will rule the earth with much more efficiency.


  1. I want to travel back to the 1950's and go to some sock hops. Those poodle skirts rock! Think the order can manage that for me?

  2. Can you take me to the future?

  3. I'm undecided about whether or not I would attempt time travel (in either direction). :)

  4. I might attempt it if yu figure it out
