Friday, 26 September 2014

Stories of the Order - Action Figures

We all remember being young and getting actions figures for our birthdays or for Christmas. This was a great way to train children to get used to the whole idea of becoming soldiers and heroes for their country. The order always knew that the masses needed to be trained properly on all of this angles and this is why they have been so interested in always creating action figures that always relate to the call to action of a nation. That is the same reason why women got toy ovens and toy babies as kids, because they needed to be trained to be stay at home mothers, but times have changed a lot and equal rights have changed the game completely.

The children who have been born in the new technological era are not interested in action figures anymore, but thankfully we now have video games to keep training them.


  1. I remember when really old people would call them "dolls"...

  2. Training like that sounds like the CIA

  3. Young kids still like action figures. My son used to play with them all the time. Now he's in to video games.

  4. "Must play video games... " <-- I've seen that mode. ;)

  5. In fact video games bring their action figures to a higher level. It becomes more realistic to say the least! Nicely HGW!


  6. now if you could just lower the price a bit...they are more collectibles than toys these days...perhaps like our heroes have become...

  7. It worked all right. Was hooked on both.

  8. My daughter still loves playing with my Wonder Woman action figures, so I guess it isn't completely lost on the youth yet.
