Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Caffeine Hit!

The next big thing? Caffeine, the number one thing many of us need to get through the day. But to much is bad for us, supposedly, so now there is Sprayable Energy. Each time you want a caffeine hit, you spray this colorless, odorless stuff on your skin. So much safer, right? 


  1. Is that it? So much safer, yes! But is that it! Gosh!


  2. Think of the time one would save in the morning and in place of asking someone to go out for a cup of coffee, you would just say "Would you care to join me in a squirt of caffeine?

  3. kinda scary when it becomes that accessible you know...i mean you can get coffee just about anywhere these days, or a soda...but that i need little spritz hits...i might have a problem at that point...

  4. Oooohhhhh great idea but it still won't taste as great as my grande, nonfat, pumpkin spice latte.

  5. Hmmmm I don't know how I feel about this. I think I'll stick with coffee :)

  6. haha hmmmm you know you're addicted when

  7. I stopped caffeine over 20 years ago because of fiberous tumors. So I doubt I will be spraying it on my body.

  8. Maybe I'm wrong here, but wouldn't it absorb into the skin anyway? I don't see how this is much safer.

  9. Not safer! Things get absorbed through your skin much faster!

  10. Well yeah, anything absorbed through your skin has GOT to be safer, lolol

    People are silly. :) I've missed coming to visit for a couple of days, we are right in the middle of busy season over this a'way. Maybe some of that safe caffeine spray would keep me moving. ;)

  11. No, I still need my coffee and enjoy it very much, too. Thank you very much. :-) Nice try, technology, must do better next time! :-)

    Greetings from London.
